I thought that by volunteering to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I would be able to avoid the usual holiday family drama; but, "The Family That Preys" once again showed me the extent of their reach and how impactful a three minute conversation could be.
I went and saw my play-brother's family first because they live closer, then meandered to my paternal grandparents' house for the good food. They're the ones who raised my hard-headed a** from thirteen to eighteen, the real defining years - lol - We laughed, I got a gift (what?!), and then I brought my butt to work @ 3 PM to make that time and a half (whoo-hoo!). Boring day at work elapses....naps are taken...and I finally get off work at 11 PM. En route to go partake in some last minute Christmas festivities, my mom calls.
Me: Hello
Mom: What you doing?
Me: Just getting off from work...
Mom: You did?
Me: [Isn't that what I just said?] Yes. I did.
Mom: Oh. Everybody asked about you; And ya grandma did too. You don't ever go see her, and that's not right blah-blah-blah
Me: What? You went to Grandma's house?
Mom: Yeah, I been over there "all day." But yeah, you don't ever come see her and...
Jesus once stated, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." Well, I am certainly not without sin, but she started throwing rocks first. I've been tolerating this crap for over a year and you calling me with this s#!t on Christmas?! I released the inner psycho, went in and let have; hung my balls all in da wind!
Me: "Let me tell you something 'mom.' You are not going to call me on Christmas after I have been at work all day and do me. Clearly just because you reconciled with the family after putting yourself in exile, you obviously think you have a right to call and chastise me because your example I somewhat follow. Just stop right there, because I refuse to listen further. You have your nerve thinking you can do this; I'm twenty-six years old! Doin' me on Christmas, geez! "
[brief pause]
Mom: Let me tell you something - your days are going to be short because the Bible say 'Honor thy father and mother' and you be disrespecting me
Me: I'm tired of having parents who act like adolescent teens in puberty!
Mom: You are gong to pay for the....(I stopped listening)
Me: Happy holidays Mom, I gotta go
Mom: blah-blah-blah death and then what blah-blah-blah
Me: Happy holidays Mom, I gotta go
Mom: yada yada attitude ungrateful child yada yada
Me: I love you and I'm hanging up now
Mom: Bye.
If this results in me getting enormous lumps of coal for Christmas, I'm burying them to see if I can make diamonds; I've got a better chance of that happening than my parents actually growing up. This conversation drove me to a local hole in the wall where I was approached in a very direct manner by an "it." "It" told me I was cute and inquired if I was in there with someone, then proceeded to get "it's" feelings hurt when I showed "it" my "get the hell away from me" symbol - a faux wedding band. With an 89 percent deterring rate, I successfully drove the burnt brownie with the horrible weave back to its point of origin - for ten minutes. Then "it" came and gave me a refresher, and reminded me to come see "it" later. I smiled and heavily sipped my Grey Goose and Cranberry....then immediately scampered out the door and went home.
Next year I'm celebrating Hanukkah. At least it comes with proper instructions.
Too damn funny. I absolutely love the dialogue. Family can definitely be that way. Try not to stay upset for too long. I love how parents throw that particular scripture around. They omit the part about not provoking your children to anger. Don't sweat it. Take care.
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